Joining IFALPA Legal Advisory Group

IALPG’s Principal, Joseph Wheeler, has volunteered to, and been endorsed by, AusALPA, Australia’s member association of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA), to join IFALPA’s Legal Advisory Group (LAG). The...

MH17 Annex 13 report released by Dutch Safety Board

13 October 2015: MH17 Annex 13 report released by Dutch Safety Board If anyone had any doubt that this much anticipated report would serve as a quasi-criminal dossier then the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) made it abundantly clear that it would not be, starting with the...

24 November 2015 ICAO deadline on machine readable passports

ICAO’s deadline for state compliance with the machine readable passport standard (requiring that all non-machine readable passports expire by 24 November 2015) is days away. This requirement is based on a Standard set out in Annex 9 to the Chicago Convention...